
Showing posts from September, 2017

Handgerdir Minjagripir - Selfmade Souvenirs. Textilsir Island August 25th - 27th 2017

Handgerdir Minjagripir - Selfmade Souvenirs. Artist residencies provide the opportunity to immerse oneself in another environment and by doing so, re-invigorate ones curiosity about materials, techniques and ideas. This residency at the Icelandic Textile Centre, Blondous   provided a relatively uninterrupted stretch of time whereby experiments were made, ideas tested and observations recorded. My time in Blondous culminated in a group exhibition at the at Kvennaskolinn residence.  Textilsetur - Icelandic Textile Centre,  Blonduos. Embroidered map of  Blönduós , Iceland.  Hand dyed and hand embroidered on felt.  Documentation of towns visited in and around at  Blönduós.  Hand dyed and hand embroidered on felt.  Graphite drawings with woven elements,  Blönduós, Iceland.