Handgerdir Minjagripir - Selfmade Souvenirs. Textilsir Island August 25th - 27th 2017

Handgerdir Minjagripir - Selfmade Souvenirs.

Artist residencies provide the opportunity to immerse oneself in another environment and by doing so, re-invigorate ones curiosity about materials, techniques and ideas. This residency at the Icelandic Textile Centre, Blondous provided a relatively uninterrupted stretch of time whereby experiments were made, ideas tested and observations recorded. My time in Blondous culminated in a group exhibition at the at Kvennaskolinn residence. 

Textilsetur - Icelandic Textile Centre, Blonduos.

Embroidered map of Blönduós, Iceland.  Hand dyed and hand embroidered on felt. 

Documentation of towns visited in and around at Blönduós. Hand dyed and hand embroidered on felt. 

Graphite drawings with woven elements, Blönduós, Iceland. 

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